Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy turkey day. It was an interesting day of my family coming over and pretending to like each other while they ate. Not fun, on my part anyways. It was raining a day ago. That is a rare in Los Angeles. I liked it. We need more rainy days. The only sucky part is that I have to open the store tomorrow, black Friday. Scary. I wish my friends well and happy gobble day, honor my name.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Changeling

I just came back from seeing the Changeling. It was a really good but sad movie. I expected it to be sad so I knew what I was getting into coming into the theatre. I hope it is an eye opener for some people.
Overall, the movie was really good although a little to long. But that is okay because their must have been a lot of important details that had to go in. Sure their were some things I did not like but hey, life is not perfect, neither is the movie. I do recommend that everyone watches the movie just because it is a good movie to watch. The actresses and actors did a good job.
It is nice to see a movie that makes you think a bit, even if it is not a whole lot.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is my first post in this blog. I made this blog after going through a friends and thinking it was a good idea to have for memories sake. I was reading a blog of my and my friends time in high school. Its been a few years since then but this little experiment of mine should be interesting. Hope I don't kill anyone along the way.